Gestalt - Bodymind Tel: 0207 288 1894

Maurice Veale:

 I am a Gestalt Psychotherapist with background training & experience in

Bodymind therapy. I offer Individual or Group Gestalt Therapy online &

in London,  UK (London  near Old Street, EC1, N1).


Currently I am only available for Online (video, audio) sessions.

I first qualified in 1984 and have been working with clients in Individual

Therapy for over 39 years.  The Individual Gestalt Therapy work I offer  

includes both ongoing longer term therapy ( Psychotherapy ) and short  

term therapy ( counselling ).

I have been facilitating Experiential / Gestalt therapy groups for over 30

Years, both privately and for various training courses. Currently I facilitate

 an ongoing online Gestalt therapy  group, which has been running since

February 2022.  Until then I facilitated an ongoing Gestalt therapy  group

in Central London . This group met weekly (40+ weeks per year) for

over 15 years.

You can find some information about my approach to

therapy / psychotherapy in the "What is Gestalt Therapy ?" section of

the website.

Training & Experience

My personal therapy experience ranges over a period of 47 years

and includes extensive experience of Humanistic Psychotherapy

approaches to personal development ( Gestalt, Neo-Reichian therapy,

Co Counselling, Encounter, Primal Therapy, and Person Centred Therapy.).

Working with children, as a Residential Social Worker stimulated my

own development. From the mid 1970's onward I worked intensively

with Encounter, Primal Therapy and Neo Reichian therapy in a self help

therapeutic community, in Individual & Group Therapy and Training

Weekends (Reciport Co Counselling with Glyn Seaborn Jones).

Later I trained in Bodymind Therapy, a synthesis of Bio-Energetics,

Gestalt and Primal therapies, qualifying in 1984 (Dip ABT).

After a further four or five years training in Gestalt Therapy I graduated

from the Gestalt Centre London in 1989.

I also hold a Dip. H.E. Humanistic Psychotherapy by Independent

Study (1988). This included a focus on collaborative group work

and two year membership of a Person Centred Therapy study group.  

Along with these therapy approaches I also have experience of

more quiescent approaches that also promote insight and personal

development ( Insight Meditation, Relaxation Techniques, use of Imagery ).

I have had some interest & experience in exploring the interface between

therapy and meditation practice: in 1981 I undertook the classic three-week

Primal Intensive combined with a period of extended Vipassana meditation

practice. Insight (Vipassana) Meditation was a regular part of my life for some

years. I return to it in an informal way, finding that it complements my Gestalt practise.

Like many Humanistic Psychotherapists I believe that supervision

and my own personal development work are important, providing

support and stimulation for my work as a therapist.


From 1993 to Autumn 2010 (17 years) I was a UKCP registered Gestalt

(Individual & Group) Psychotherapist.  

For 24 years (1993 to Autumn 2017 I was a Full Member of UKAHPP

Accredited as a Gestalt Therapist (Individual & Group).


I continue to work with Individual Clients and Gestalt Therapy



For further information about individual psychotherapy / counselling or group

 therapy you can contact me at: .............

Maurice Veale

Telephone:  0207 288 1894


If you prefer we can arrange to have a WhatsApp audio call.

This page last updated on  06/09/24